JUMP TOstartOVERVIEWPOOLSNFT Pool ListpostdocCreate PoolCreate ERC1115-ETH PoolsCreate ERC1155-ERC20 PoolsCreate ERC721-ETH PoolsCreate ERC721-ERC20 PoolsLIQUIDITYDeposit ERC721 NFT into PoolCancel Listing of ERC721 NFTDeposit ERC1155 NFT into PoolWithdraw ERC1155 NFT from PoolDeposit Native Token into the PoolWithdraw Native Token out of the PoolTax TypesMath libraryWithdraw ERC20 out of the PoolDeposit ERC20 into the PoolBuy And Sell NFTBuy NFTs-ETH from PoolsSell NFTs to PoolsBuy NFTs-ERC20 from Poolscalculation libraryPrice Change ModelsDemoMethodPowered by Deposit Native Token into the PoolYou can directly transfer the native token into the pool.Code example JavaScriptimport { ethers, utils } from 'ethers'; const tx = await window.ethProvider.getSigner().sendTransaction({ to: poolAddress, value: utilEther.parseEtherToWei(that.depositEth.toString(10)) }) const res = await window.ethProvider.waitForTransaction(tx.hash, 1)